Babu is a very skilled and dog loving work. She loves agility but she needs close leading. She is not much self thinking about the hurdle. But it is fun to work with her.
To strangers she is not confident and is barking on them to cover her fear. Hopefully she will grow up soon to find out that people do nothing bad to her :-)). Most of the time she can ignore them but if there is someone standing...he is a danger to her and thats how she takes it :-).
Lately she learned to scrounge
. She goes to person, stands under him/her and wait if he/she gives her something good....she sits, even lay to find if it is wanted from her to do
...if nothing happens she barks - tells silly man/woman, does not appreciate her skills :-DDDDDDDD

But with dogs Babu is very friendly and playfull which is the most important :-) for us and this moment.